Simplify My Style Part IV: The Number ONE Rule of Simplified Style

As I told you in a previous post, I have been invited to LTKcon 2024 in September. This is sort of like Vidcon but for fashion creators. It is a huge honor to be invited and I’m very excited about attending. But part of the conference is an awards reception that requires an elevated cocktail type dress. But as I’m researching previous years of the LTKcon award ceremony, I noticed a pattern. In fact, I’m finding that I noticed the dress more than I notice the woman wearing the dress.  Indeed, I think back and can remember the dress…but I don’t remember who wore the dress.  With this in mind, its probably a good time to talk about the number one rule of simplifying your style: YOU should be the star of the show, not the outfit you are wearing.

As we reach midlife, our priorities and preferences often shift, including our sense of style. Many of us find ourselves wanting to simplify our wardrobes and focus on pieces that make us feel confident and comfortable. After all, as we age, we become more sure of ourselves and less concerned with keeping up with the latest trends.

One key aspect of simplifying your style is to remember that you are the star of the show, not your outfit. Your clothes should enhance your natural beauty and personality, not overshadow them. When you walk into a room, you want people to see you first, not your flashy clothes or accessories.

Declutter Your Closet

To achieve this, start by decluttering your wardrobe and getting rid of any items that don’t make you feel amazing when you wear them. Keep only the pieces that fit well, flatter your body shape, and make you feel confident. Invest in high-quality basics like a well-fitting pair of jeans, a classic white button-down shirt, and a versatile blazer that you can mix and match with other pieces in your wardrobe.

Favor Neutral Colors

When it comes to colors and patterns, stick to a neutral color palette with a few pops of color that complement your skin tone. Avoid overly busy patterns that can overwhelm your look and instead opt for classic stripes, SMALL polka dots, or simple floral prints.

Minimize Accessories & Jewelry

Accessorize thoughtfully with minimal jewelry and a few key pieces that add interest to your outfit without taking away from your natural beauty. A great pair of earrings or a delicate necklace can elevate a simple outfit and make you feel put together without trying too hard.

Elevated Outfits

But simplifying your style doesn’t mean sacrificing sophistication or elegance. You can still dress in a elevated manner while keeping your look streamlined and effortless. The key is to choose high-quality, well-fitting pieces that enhance your natural beauty without overpowering it. Opt for classic silhouettes, luxurious fabrics, neutral colors, and timeless accessories that add a touch of refinement to your outfit. Remember, the goal is to let your inner radiance shine through, making you the true star of the show, with your outfit simply complementing your inherent beauty and confidence.

Summing It Up

Ultimately, the most important thing is to feel comfortable and confident in your clothes. When you feel good about yourself, it shows, and that is what truly makes you shine. So, simplify your style, let your natural beauty shine through, and be the star of the show in every room you enter. Ensure that people remember YOU more than the dress you are wearing. 

Now let me give you some examples…

I am barely 5’1 with a 26” inseam and generally wear size 4P. All items fit TTS (true to size) unless otherwise stated.

– Valarie

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